Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lake Fun

Mason made his first trip to the lake over Memorial weekend.  He had a great time playing with Cousin Alec, Grammy, and Papaw, and going for stroller rides with Mama. He also took his very first boat ride. It was a hot one!


First Boat Ride

Wrestling with Dad

Playing with Grammy & Elephant

To Grammy's house they go

Grammy is soon to be retired! Just a few more days of work and she is done! However, she has already started watching Mason one day a week so Mama can get some work done at home.  Dad takes Mason with him in the mornings and brings him back after he gets off work in the evenings. Its a long time for Mama to be away from Mason, but its worth it so she that they can play together later.  As a  bonus, Mason's GG Melba and GG Max, Auntie Nicole, and his cousins get to see him on a regular basis.  Here is Mason with his Dad on thier first day of going to Grammy's house.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Three Months Old

Mason is three months old! Can you believe it?

As a three-month old his favorite hobbies include:
  • Eating
  • Chewing on his hands
  • Being held constantly
  • Only napping for 15 minutes at a time
  • Playing with activity gym
  • Eating
  • Spitting his suckie out to see how many times mom will bend over and pick it up
  • Crying until Mom pays attention to him and then laughing when she does
  • Eating

Happy Mother's Day

It was a great Mother's Day! The family went for a walk in the park, Mom was given a gift certificate to the nail salon, and she even got a nap! This mom thinks Mother's Day is great! So great she would accept having another, and another, and another :)

Mamma and her Mason

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Something to say

Mason is getting to be quite vocal. Knowing that his fans would like to hear from him we created a short video. Here's Mason:

Roll With Me

Mason rolled over Tuesday Morning----and no one was there to see it! But today he rolled over again and Mom saw it.  He rolled from his tummy to his back.  Here is the after pic. Yay Mason!
Rolling over

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An end & a new beginning

Mason 11 weeks
Mason is now 11 weeks old.  This  marks the end of mom's maternity leave and the beginning of her new career--working from home part-time.  Mom will continue working at INCAA assisting with utility billing analysis and will also be working for JDLevy & Associates, a philanthropic consulting firm. But most importantly she's staying at home to be with Mason.

When Mason cries and demands his momma's attention, Mamaw laughs and says to Mason, "and your momma thinks she gonna work from home." We really don't know how this is going to work, but Mom & Dad are so thankful for the opportunitiy for mom to stay at home with Mason and still work.  Grammy is offering to watch Mason a day a week and Mamaw said she will help out too.  Here's to a new beginning. :)

Happy Easter

Dressed to impress
It was a Happy Easter! Mason spent the day with the Downing family, dressed up in his shirt and tie.    Although he was too little to play in the annual family kickball game, we plan on him taking to the field next year. The Easter Bunny was especially generous to Mason this year! Thank you Easter Bunnies!! Here are a few pictures from the day.

mason with gg and dad

hanging with aunt nicole

happy family