Thursday, August 11, 2011

Six Months Photo Shoot

Momma & Mamaw took Mason to get his 6 months picutres taken. Because Mason is so smiley Momma ended up buying a ton of pictures!

Here he is: Momma's little Ham! :)

Six Months Old & Growning

Six Months Old
 It's crazy to think Mason is 6 months old! Wow!! So many things have changed in the last six months. Mom and Dad's lives for sure! and Mason keeps changing and growing day by day.  At six months he is starting to seem more and more like a big boy!

At six months Mason is:
Sitting up anywhere and everywhere
Scooting to reach what he wants
Loving his solid food
Not sleeping thru the night (but it's getting better)
Laughing, laughing, laughing
Sitting in his high chair
                                                                                        Wearing 6 months clothes-- he is growing so fast!
                                                                                        Talking, talking, talking

Monday, August 1, 2011

Three Little Monkeys

Luke, Mason & Owen
Today Mason hung out with best boys, Owen & Luke.  These three little monkeys are quite the handful, and only one of them is mobile.  It's only going to get more exciting with these three.