Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Five Months

5 Months
Five Months Old--Mason is growing so fast--and so is his hair! As always, Mason is full of smiles and can charm anyone with his grin.  So often, he and Momma are stopped by strangers so they can get a close up of the happy fellow. 

At five months, Mason is:
a master at rolling over,
no longer sleeping through the night,
laughing out loud (lots),
eating cereal,
trying new foods,
crying when Momma leaves the room,
swimming at the pool,
and sitting up by himself for a few seconds at a time.

Rolling Over

1 comment:

  1. He is SOOO handsome! I just want to smooch him! I can't believe he is 5 months already. Before you know it the first year will be over!
